French psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu’s notion of the skin ego addresses the foundation of the division between the bodily interior and outside environment. The skin ego acts as a unifying psychic envelope in accordance with the skin itself: “The primary function of the skin is the sac which contains, and retains inside it the goodness and fullness accumulated there through feeding, care, the bathing in words. Its second function is as the interface which marks the boundary with the outside and keeps that outside out; it is the barrier which protects against penetration by the aggression and greed emanation from others, whether people or objects. Finally, the third function – which the skin shares with the mouth and which performs at least as often – as a site and a primary means of communicating with others, of establishing signifying relations; it is, moreover an ‘inscribing surface’ for the marks left by those others.”
Source: "Transgressing Boundaries: Skin in the Construction of Bodily Interior". PDF Article from Curtin University IDEA for the Interior: a state of becoming symposium 2012 (http://idea-edu.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/P28.pdf)

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