1. A loose, wrap-like, outer garment, as a cape or coat, fastened at the throat and falling straight from the shoulders. In medieval time the cloak refers to a traveller’s garment. In the bible the cloak is often mentioned: an upper garment, "an exterior tunic, wide and long, reaching to the ankles, but without sleeves" (Isa. 59:17). The word is elsewhere rendered "robe" or "mantle." It was worn by the high priest under the ephod (Ex. 28:31), by kings and others of rank (Sam. 15:27; Job 1:20; 2:12), and by women (Sam. 13:18). The cloak mentioned here and in Luke 6:29 was the Greek himation, Latin pallium, and consisted of a large square piece of woollen cloth fastened round the shoulders.

The cloak is one of the first pieces of man-made clothing; a shoulder wrapping made from animal skin. Throughout history the cloak took a prominent place; worn as a status symbol or canvas for display (by important public figures like kings, chiefs and saints, and also by victorious and heroic figures like knights or super-heroes) or as a mystic, dark shelter (like that worn by the phantom of the opera, the invisibility cloak of Harry Potter, or a medieval traveller’s cloak).

A cloak can be something that covers or conceals; disguise; pretence:
'He conducts his affairs under a cloak of secrecy.'

This makes the cloak so interesting: it is a very dualistic garment. On the border between shelter and display, hiding and showing.

"My bodily flesh and bones are covered by a cloak of skin"

Source: (freely derived 22-3-2016)

45, 49, 58, 87, 89